
Holiday Poem 2021

Twas the night before christmas and the lights were down low
The energy all taken by an ethereum bro
The stars overhead were shiny and glinting
And pictures of monkeys were furiously minting

Their marketing felt like a kick to the groin
As the shillers would pimp their collections and Coin
Maybe people paid extra to buy their own token
Because the supply chain for real things is totally broken

The ships with their stuff are all stuck in the ocean
Somehow corporate stocks are still upwards in motion
We no longer hear about the planet and Greta
We all rolled our eyes as FB became meta

Tim Epic and Tim Apple are still fighting dirty
Epic takes twelve percent, Apple still takes thirty
We all managed somehow to get some work done
We all managed somehow to go have some fun

As flights are all filling and as we all go back indoors
We resume our dining, our playing and our chores
A few companies had the incredible cheek
To pay five days of pay for a four day work week

Will we see more responses to staff indignation
To attract back the talent from “The great resignation”?
We all watched Activision reach a new low
Which coincidentally rhymes with “new CEO”

Let’s take a deep breath, this year’s almost through
We stand on the precipice of 2022
So let down your hair and let out a great cheer
And have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

By jszeder

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