This past month was largely conversations directed at people who are doing some soul searching in their career. Does their employer value them sufficiently? Are there jobs that they are interested in? Do they have the tools to go find a new job?
In the process of having these conversations with some friends who were hiring managers, I talked about how important it is to value your great engineers.
My friend asked me the following question:
“What makes a great engineer?”
There are a lot of attributes I have seen in great engineers over the years. Many great engineers possess one or two of these attributes and some of them possess more. I do not know that I have met a great engineer who was excellent at all of these things.
Shipping software
First and foremost, the best of the great engineers I have worked with deliver software over the finish line. There comes a time in every project where you have a list of remaining issues and someone decides “we will ship this today.” Very few projects are perfect and even fewer are defect free. A great engineer will take software over the finish line and deliver it to production.
I have met some very capable engineers who can get a project to eighty or ninety percent, and then they require someone else to help them over the finish line. Shipping software is a key attribute of a great engineer.
Communicating ideas
Another attribute for a great engineer is the ability to communicate ideas. This can be both translating ideas into layman’s terms or it can be expressing the intent of a system so a more junior engineer can maintain it long after that engineer has left the company. I want to talk more about the latter than the former. We all make jokes about opening one of your projects from five years ago and having no idea what any of it means—and when I say five years, I mean five months. Great engineers will leave highly maintainable code in their wake with sufficient breadcrumbs and tombstones that someone can pick it up and maintain it without too many surprises showing up in production.
Recognizing patterns
Recognizing patterns is a very important attribute of a great engineer. I believe it is one of the most important skills to have as your engineering career goes into the world of Staff Engineer/Architect/Director of Engineering. If you can identify patterns of behavior of people and software, you will be able to create solutions you can apply to those patterns consistently over time.
Choosing software
This is probably the hardest attribute for an engineer to learn. Being able to make a pragmatic choice for a software language, platform, or software package is really important. Too many engineers attempt to apply new software to a problem. It is great to experiment and learn new tools. Sometimes production environments for large projects are not the place to do it. A great engineer will sit down and evaluate the requirements of a project and the capabilities or interests of their team before choosing software. It is dangerous to choose software in a vacuum. What percent of the team would be comfortable with that? Who in the organization will be strong enough to be subject matter experts in it? There are a lot of things required to make a decision on a language, development tool or software package. This is especially true for larger teams. If you are a software engineering leader and you mandate a big change in your software choices for the team, be aware that you will create delays, frustration, and employee churn. If you are a more junior software developer and you are bringing in new tools to a team, it is better to have an up front conversation with the team and team leadership about the pros and cons and include a prototype of some kind to demonstrate what the value will be.
Deleting code
You might expect me to say a great engineer writes lots of code. There is an even split for the most voluminous software writers I have worked with between “great engineer” and “I am firing this person”. I do not think there is a good correlation between volume of code created and greatness.
By contrast, I do think that great engineers are experts at removing code. Software engineering projects are complex beasts. Any time people can simplify software or reduce it in complexity is a good thing. Deleting code helps reduce noise in the codebase. This is very important for software systems that are mature. I have seen far too many people chasing down urgent defects and serious issues in large codebases where they have wound up wasting time in dead code. Great engineers help to reduce that distraction and inefficiency by cleaning up after themselves and other people.
“Software spider sense”
I wish I had a better name for this attribute of a great engineer. Great engineers have an uncanny ability to identify complex issues in software. I have run into my fair share of issues in production environments that defy the ability for teams to reproduce them and address them. I refer to hard-to-find-and-hard-to-fix issues as “Heisenbugs”. This is perhaps one of the rarest attributes of a great engineer. I can name less than a dozen people who I know who have a magical ability to “think like broken software” and work with a production environment to isolate and categorize symptoms that result in fixing or mitigating defects.
Comfortably uncomfortable
The last element of a great engineer is that they are very calm under pressure. This is an attribute that is the easiest to acquire through repetition and exposure. Dealing with production issues and urgent deadlines is stressful. It is also a crucible of fire. If it does not break you, it will forge you into a great engineer who will be able to step into a dire emergency situation without getting stressed or anxious and help you to focus other people’s energies and efforts to address the issue.
Thank you again for reading today. I make a living helping engineers unlock their greatness and I consider it to be pleasurable and rewarding. There are probably other attributes that great engineers possess—I may revisit this article in the future with an updated list. If you have worked with a great engineer and you think that I have missed one of the key things that makes them great, I would love to hear about it!
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